Thursday 22 July 2010

Total Hypocrite

I was listening to Nolan this week on Radio Ulster and i couldn't believe my ears. Big Jim McDowell was lamenting about how the images of Bloody Friday were so graphic that the media of the day couldn't print them. He went on to say that he agreed entirely with the newspapers who, quite rightly, didn't print the images of innocent women and children blown to pieces by cowardly IRA bombs. He's right, i mean it would have been absolutely disgusting and unneccesary to show photos of mutilated corpses strewn across Belfast. It would have been a complete disregard for the feelings of the extended families to have printed such horror and carnage. Nolan went on to massage 'Big Jim's' ego by consulting with him about the finer points of editorial working practice concerning protocol when it comes to printing horrofic images. Jim duely pontifficated on the subject like some kind of guru hack.

What struck me as odd was, that Nolan and indeed big uncle Belfast(McDowell), had completely forgotten about, was the truely horriffic images that McDowell plastered all over the front page of his awful rag, when a young Chinese lad from Bangor put a rope around his neck and jumped over the edge of the flyover bridge coming into the town resulting in the lad killing himself. Can you imagine the hurt and dismay that must have been caused to the lad's family as they entered the local garage/newsagents to get a pint of milk and there is McDowell's horror show on display? Your a hypocrite and a disgrace McDowell.

Sunday 18 July 2010


Good old 'Not BNP Steve' didn't fail to let us down with another schoolboy esq attack on the BNP again today. Using his now famous copy and paste style of journalism, he used old photo's of Nick Griffins daughter Jennifer along with the usual accumulation of shite to make an attack on British Patriots. Moore, who not only despises the BNP, but also hates anything to do with Unionism, made yet another half arsed attempt to make some kind of spurious link between the BNP and loyalist bands.
So what if Jennifer carrys a flag for a band in Comber, does anyone really care? Moore goes to some length to point out that she has no connection to Northern Ireland. Neither, it must be pointed out, do the African Loyal orders, but i'm quite sure that the far left, multiculturalist won't make too much of an issue about that.
Moore's comments about 'Blowing into instruments' and 'blowing into flutes',combined with the COPY AND PASTED image of Jennifer, where she appears to wearing little more than her underwear, only underline my comments about Moore being akin to a giggling schoolboy finding his first porno mag. Perhaps 'Not BNP Steve' should spend less time fondling himself over the sicko porno ads in his rag of a paper and get himself a real woman. Jennifer is a married woman 'Sicko Steve', just you stick to big Jim massaging your prostate for you.

Thursday 15 July 2010

UK City of culture? Gafaw, Gafaw!!!

Londonderry/Derry prepares itself for the results of the UK City of Culture awards results (Breaking news - They won). For heavens sake, what are these people thinking about?
I know the riots in Ardoyne have nothing (Directly) to do with the folk in Derry/Londonderry, but we don't have to cast our minds back too far to remember the cultural tolerance shown to the Apprentice Boys of Derry when they parade through this wonderful vibrant city. Nor to those deemed to be homosexual. Those in this Country that are quick to wave Palestinian, Israeli, European and other so called worthy cultural flags are very quick to forget that we can't even get along with our own neighbours in this Province. Whilst ethnically the same, culturally different, we see fit to oppose our own, whilst we promote every other culture in this small piece of land.
Many commentators in Ulster refer to a small proportion of the population that are living in the past. I would suggest that the vast majority of us are living in the past. Just take a look at voting patterns here to see if we have moved on. I don't include myself here as i won't vote for what i can't believe in and that includes any of the local political parties. Mr Griffin come and save Derry, Londonderry, Ulster and Northern Ireland.

Sunday 11 July 2010

Retarded journalism strikes again

Guess who's back peddling their lies? Yes it's our old friend 'Not BNP Steve Moore'.
In an article in his leftist rag today he claims that the BNP are coming to Northern Ireland
in force for the 12th July celebrations. He also suggests that they (BNP) are coming
over to get involved in possible trouble at contentious flash points along parading routes. What a dick! What an utter ballbag! In actual fact what the retarded, so called journalist has done again is to confuse stories that he has read elsewhere. The EDL apparently have called on their membership to go support the 12 parades and simpleton moore has changed the lettering to suit his own 'I hate the BNP' agenda. EDL does not equal BNP. One is a body set up to oppose militant islam in the UK and the other is a political Party that has the controlled media running scared. Lets face it Moore never stops talking about the BNP, albeit lies, lies and more lies. However, as i have said many times before it just keeps the BNP in the media and that is publicity money can't buy. So why am i on here mentioning it if i am so happy with the publicity i hear you say? Well, the same limp wristed fuckwit has the cheek to whinge in his paper because the BNP won't give him an interview and he can't even get a few simple facts strung together to form a half decent article in his newspaper. Ah well maybe he is keeping someone happy with what he writes.

Steven Moore Sunday World

Steven Moore self confessed, anti-fascist journalist was having yet another tired attack on the BNP in his leftist rag The Sunday World last weekend. Moore, who has the journalistic skills of a P7 student, set about attacking the outgoing and incoming Organisers. He demonstrated his journalistic skills by copying and pasting an entire article off the BNP website and printing it in his rag. Good going 'Not BNP Steve', that was a hard days work for you.
His attack centred on the outgoing Organiser and to a certain extent i agreed with him. Don't get me wrong here I know both men and i am proud to say i can call them both friends, however Mr Dinsmore is more of an Authoritarian figure and Mr Moore is alot more mild mannered. I am able to say that about both men because i happen to know them. They are both committed British Nationalists and an inspiration to all of us. 'Not BNP Steve' as he calls himself, hasn't the first idea about these two characters and demonstrates this by his schoolboy name calling of said individuals. The omagh man made his way into journalism not through merit but by the strings his ex BBC father could pull for him and as a result this is the type of 3rd rate journalist we get in the Sunday World.
'Our wack', Big Jim McDowell, seems happy to surround himself with these useless inbreds who print nothing but lies and then wonders why they get the odd slap from the folk they upset(See earlier article). Here's what i would like to see Big Belfast Jim propose! He should challenge the two BNP men he writes about to a charity boxing match, losers donate £500.00 to the opposing sides favorite charity. I can see it now......"Fighting out of the red corner, representing all thats wrong with journalism, Big heres me wah, Jim McDowell and his fighting partner, I love the Kremlin, 'not BNP steve''....... And in the blue corner, representing the Patriotic voice of the Britsh Nation, Kieran Dinsmore/Devlin or whatever he calls himself and his fighting partner Steve 'The BNP hatchet' Moore. Its a venue filler i can assure you. If i can get the missus to mind the herd and do the milking the next morning, i'll make sure i'm there to see this spectacle.