Friday 29 October 2010

Larne immigrant centre

I see the Larne Asylum/immigrant/holding centre is back in the news again. It would appear that the local politicians have been made to sit up and listen to the local population in Larne. Prior to the information distribution by the local BNP in Larne the local politicians had been quite happy to collect their salaries and say nothing about the centre being built in Larne. Along come a bunch of concerned locals, some BNP, some not aligned to any political party, then it's off to the local council meeting at the town hall and hey presto a turn around for the local politicians, happily milking on the tit of local tax payers. Of course there are some wet liberals on Larne Council that refuse to deviate from the Party line on this important matter. Instead of sensible debate they are more than happy to collect the council handout every month and call the concerned residents racists. Lets face it it beats having to work for a living. So hats of to the residents of Larne for having the courage to tackle this problem and i urge you, don't give up the fight.

What the name calling leftists have not told the population of Larne, is that there are many examples of this type of holding centre throughout Europe and in particular the most glaring example is in France. The sangat immigrant holding centre was supposed to be a secure holding centre for asylum seekers and illegal aliens. What it turned out to be was an uncontrollable nightmare for the French Government and ultimately a nightmare for the weak willed immigration service in the UK. Again, not too far away in the Republic of Ireland, asylum seekers living in these centres refused to be moved to another location and protested by setting fire to their accommodation. Are you ready for this Larne?

Wednesday 27 October 2010

Deadliest Catch

Well i'm currently auditioning for the new series of deadliest catch, well it feels like it anyway. The driver of the stena boat isnay howliner straight. I think i would have been more stable had i tried to balance on a football for an hour.
Looking on the bright side i have just completed a pig sale to some bloke in England who tells me that he is going to repackage the meat for the halal market in East London, calling it smoked salty lamb. Fair play to him he pays up front with no questions asked and in todays difficult times a sale is a sale is a sale. I'm not joking you when i tell you he could sell sand to the Egyptians. He recently off loaded 15 royal mail post boxes painted black to the Greater London Assembly, informing them that they were 'Burka compliant' and telling them they would be ideal for islamic womens centres when it comes to demonstrating the correct fitting of a Burka. The GLA have roled these out to various centres in the Tower Hamlets area. Good move or what?
Speaking of lucrative contracts, i recently obtained a valuable exportation licence, allowing me to transport loose quarry material to the Iranian department of justice. What they're going to do with a load of stones and rocks is beyond me, but what the hell a deal is a deal.
Right back to reality, i have to go and load the next crab pot up before we dock in Belfast. See y'all later land lubbers.....

Friday 22 October 2010

Not BNP Steve?

Has anyone seen or heard of 'NotBNPSteve' Moore from the Sunday World lately? A source from within the Sunday World told a friend of mine that he was suspended for having inapropriate images on his computer. Well now there's a revelation for you. Moore, well known in gay circles, might have a case to answer with the Police very soon if these images are to be proven to have been downloaded by the self confessed anti-facist. His colleagues have branded him a pervert for his latest actions and have totally shunned him until such times as he seeks professional help for his depraved affliction.The images?
The images were from an Austrian tourist magazine picturing the alps and some other touristy stuff. The accompanying text spoke only of matters of fact and this was seen as a step to far among his colleagues. Sunday World staff are not used with factual, truthful articles before them so you can appreciate how this came as an unwelcome surprise to the editor and staff. Perhaps NotBNPsteve will be allowed back this week to scribble more shite about British folk.