Saturday 5 December 2009

I was nearly bate'n to death, so a'was!!!

So big Belfast Jim McDowell had a bit of a near death experience outside the City Hall. The Sunday World editor was mincing around the continental markets when two chaps give him a slap. I heard him on the Nolan show the next day and what he described sounded horrific. I was genuinely worried that he might not make it to see another day. Then i saw a photo of his injuries in the Belfast Telegraph a day later. Well, FFS Jim I've seen more serious cases of nappy rash. Is it any wonder your paper has the reputation it does when you over play a minor altercation like this.
Always trying to be a common man of the people, he then goes on to suggest that he would have had the making of the two assailants if only they hadn't come from behind, although according to a Sunday World source, McDowell and his junior scribe, Steven Moore, often partake in challenges from behind with each other. It's the talk of the industry. Lets be honest Jim, your no spring chicken and i have a teenage niece that could beat the piss out of you. Sorry did i say beat? I meant 'bate', just so as we understand each other(common man Belfast talk).
Here's the thing Jim, you must be as thick as mince if you didn't realise that if you print bullshit about the baddies in Northern Ireland they will give you a slap. Did you think that you were somehow in too lofty a position to escape the clutches of those you tell lies about? Prancing around Belfast,in and out of the Spaniard and coming off with the 'here's me wa' sayings doesn't make you bulletproof.
However, fair play to you Jim, you seemed to have made the most of your near death experience and no doubt the claim is on the way, but do us all a favour, if your going to continue to tell lies in your excuse for a rag, then expect a few more size 10's up the rear. As for the boys that mutilated you beyond recognition? There's a pint in the pump for ye!!!!

Great night out in Larne

What a night out in Larne. Tell you what, those boys know how to lay on a quare spread. It took me ages driving down from BK but it was well worth it. The two speakers were brilliant as was the Larne organiser. It seems as if the BNP are giving serious consideration to standing in the Larne area very soon. That will maybe make Sammy Wilson sit up and get his clothes back on!
I always think it is great to get among your own people and have a bit of a chinwag. If i had one complaint about my night out, it would be that by the time i got home Tommys was closed, good job i had a few pocketfuls of those wee sausages. Cheers boys, until the next time.

Saturday 24 October 2009

police complaint

This is very good. Enjoy!!

Police Complaint...
This is a genuine complaint to Devon & Cornwall Police Force from an angry member of the public. A true email sent to the force, lengthy but brilliantly written.....
Dear Sir/Madam/Automated telephone answering service,
Having spent the past twenty minutes waiting for someone at Bodmin police station to pick up a telephone I have decided to abandon the idea and try e-mailing you instead.Perhaps you would be so kind as to pass this message on to your colleagues in Bodmin, by means of smoke signal, carrier pigeon or Ouija board.As I'm writing this e-mail there are eleven failed medical experiments (I think you call them youths) in St Mary's Crescent, which is just off St Mary's Road in Bodmin.Six of them seem happy enough to play a game which involves kicking a football against an iron gate with the force of a meteorite. This causes an earth shattering CLANG! which rings throughout the entire building.This game is now in its third week and as I am unsure how the scoring system works, I have no idea if it will end any time soon.The remaining five failed-abortions are happily rummaging through several bags of rubbish and items of furniture that someone has so thoughtfully dumped beside the wheelie bins. One of them has found a saw and is setting about a discarded chair like a beaver on ecstasy pills.I fear that it's only a matter of time before they turn their limited attention to the caravan gas bottle that is lying on its side between the two bins.If they could be relied on to only blow their own arms and legs off then I would happily leave them to it. I would even go so far as to lend them the matches.
Unfortunately they are far more likely to blow up half the street with them and I've just finished decorating the kitchen.What I suggest is this - after replying to this e-mail with worthless assurances that the matter is being looked into and will be dealt with, why not leave it until the one night of the year (probably bath night) when there are no mutants around then drive up the street in a Panda car before doing a three point turn and disappearing again. This will of course serve no other purpose than to remind us what policemen actually look like.I trust that when I take a claw hammer to the skull of one of these throwbacks you'll do me the same courtesy of giving me a four month head start before coming to arrest me.I remain your obedient servant???????--------------------------------------------------------

Mr ??????,I have read your e-mail and understand your frustration at the problems caused by youths playing in the area and the problems you have encountered in trying to contact the police.As the Community Beat Officer for your street I would like to extend an offer of discussing the matter fully with you.Should you wish to discuss the matter, please provide contact details (address / telephone number) and when may be suitable.RegardsPC ???????Community Beat Officer---------------------------------------------------------------------

Dear PC ???????First of all I would like to thank you for the speedy response to my original e-mail.16 hours and 38 minutes must be a personal record for Bodmin Police Station, and rest assured that I will forward these details to Norris McWhirter for inclusion in his next Guinness book.Secondly I was delighted to hear that our street has its own Community Beat Officer.May I be the first to congratulate you on your covert skills? In the five or so years I have lived in St Mary's Crescent , I have never seen you. Do you hide up a tree or have you gone deep undercover and infiltrated the gang itself? Are you the one with the acne and the moustache on his forehead or the one with a chin like a wash hand basin? It's surely only a matter of time before you are head-hunted by MI5 to look for Osama.Whilst I realise that there may be far more serious crimes taking place in Bodmin, such as smoking in a public place or being Christian without due care and attention, is it too much to ask for a policeman to explain (using words of no more than two syllables at a time) to these twats that they might want to play their strange football game elsewhere.The pitch on Fairpark Road , or the one at Priory Park are both within spitting distance as is the bottom of the Par Dock, the latter being the preferred option especially if the tide is in.Should you wish to discuss these matters further you should feel free to contact me on . If after 25 minutes I have still failed to answer, I'll buy you a large one in the Cat and Fiddle Pub.Regards?????????P.S If you think that this is sarcasm, think yourself lucky that you don't work for the sewerage department with whom I am also in contact !!!

Friday 23 October 2009

In a recent interview with his old school magazine Weyman Bennett, mouthpiece for unite against fascism, claimed that Nick griffin recently broke into his house and ate the back legs of his pet dog. Bennett, who is also filing a patent for his new botanical invention, the ugly tree, stated recently that in his experience that the English language is in decline and should be abolished. He based his claims on the fact that he gets by just fine using the words wacist,nazi,killer,holocaust,satan and hitler. I have been lucky enough to get my hands on a transcript of an order that weyman phoned into a pizza company earlier this year.
Pizza - Can i take your order please
weyman(gimp) - yeah, nickgriffin kills babies cause hes a wacist nazi
pizza - sorry sir?
gimp - i want a pizza and not one any BNP member has touched, oh and i dont want it cooked
pizza - you don't want it cooked? We cook all of our pizza's in the oven
gimp- you wacist nazi! You said oven, you must be denying the holocaust, you evil nazi.
pizza - Sir i'm going to hang up if you continue this abuse
gimp- You racist, your going to hang up because i'm black. Nick Griffin is a satanic killer.
pizza - bye weirdo!!!!!!!!
gimp -wacist,nazi,holocaust denyer

Griffin as much a warrior as a political leader.

Like the vast majority of people that watched Nick Griffin on the BBC's Question time last night, it was very clear to see that he had been deliberately lined up for a lynching.
Before he set foot inside broadcasting house the usual tree hugging mobsters were chanting for his head outside the gates. It was plain for all to see that the most politicised police force in the UK were content to stand by and allow the great unwashed to terrorise the inadequate BBC security guards. When they did finally intervene, three police officers were injured. I wonder if any of those arrested actually make it to court and ultimately convicted?
Once inside Nick sat composed and dignified amongst the hungry pack of wolves that could smell Nationalist blood in the air. Question after question was fired at Nick, never being given the chance to answer one of them. Even Dimbleby was on the offensive, the supposed chair of the meeting acting like a bitter enemy of the leader of modern Nationalism. The liberal left always harp on about getting the BNP onto the stage and challenging them about their policies. This is where they failed spectacularly, they were more content on attacking Nick on comments he had made over a decade ago. It came across as a televised mugging. Misjudging the British public yet again, they had hoped to show Griffin up as the demonic creature they make him out to be. Oh dear, oh dear! Watching the emails,texts and telephone response on the various TV channels this morning, it seems as if the LEFT have strengthened the BNP's position beyond belief. Countless people registering their disgust at the way Nick was treated on Question Time, even the leftists that contacted the many news programmes, said this was a spectacular own goal.
On a personal level, Mr Griffin raised the hairs on the back of my neck, made me very proud to be British and ultimately showed what a high quality leader he really is.

Sunday 13 September 2009

Mix race kids more intelligent.

I was listening to the Alliance Party's spokesman on Race, Anna (Racecard)Lo, on the radio the other day and i was surprised to hear her make some outlandish claims. According to Anna, children of mixed race are more intelligent than those of a homogeneous nature. She was able to back her claims up with some scientific evidence, that being that her own two children were very intelligent. Thanks for that Anna! I knew you were more than just a token immigrant that the Alliance Party wheels out every time there is a race issue raised in the public domain. Seriously though, imagine if another politician had claimed that there was proof that children born of white parents were more intelligent than those of mixed race, simply because he had a couple of reasonably intelligent children of his own? He would have been laughed out of office, not to mention had the race relations Nazi's breathing down his neck. WISE UP ANNA, YOUR GIVING ME THE SHITS!!!!

Saturday 12 September 2009


I'm going to have to give credit where it's due here. Normally i disagree with the majority of what Stephen Nolan has to say. Not because I'm a cantankerous old fart that doesn't get along with anyone, but Nolan, despite all of his attempts to be the number one shock jock, still toes the leftist BBC's line.
As i said above, credit where it's due. Last week i was disgusted to hear that a Police officer that had received death threats from the IRA, or dissidents as they are now called, was denied funding to help him and his family sell their house and relocate to relative safety. Stephen Nolan put the gloves on and fought for this officer's cause. SDLP Minister, Margaret Ritchie said that there was no funding left in the budget. This caused my pacemaker to go into overdrive. Only a few months previous (As mentioned in this blog) the NI Government were tripping over themselves to get Roma gypsies rehoused, flights home and a few quid in their pockets to buy goodies at the airport. When the gypsies flew back a few months later, after they had spent the NI tax payers cash, they were again found housing.
What this highlighted, was again the true benefits of living in an ultra liberal, multicultural society. It is offensive in the extreme to say that a man who has put his life on the line to serve his Country and community, is deserving of less than those who come to our Country for the sole reason to take as much as they can from a system that they do not contribute to. When so many statutory bodies rush to assist those that would rob our system, we need to call into question their ability to continue to remain fit for purpose. But, whats the odds that the next time an election comes around we vote them all back in again? Me excluded of course!

Sunday 6 September 2009

Enriching an area near you soon.

So those poor Romanian gypsies that were so hard done to in South Belfast have returned to the vicious place that evicted them, once again.
Now call me a doubting Thomas but, if i had been intimidated out of my home in a foreign Country and the citizens of that Country had paid for my exit, you can be damn sure that i would not be flying back to the same district anytime soon. Not the gypsies though! They couldn't wait to get back, tear a couple of houses apart, get evicted and then have all the anti racism groups of the day running after them as if they are about to be put on the train at Belfast central with a one way ticket to Buchenwald.
These people know of nothing else only take, take, take and the bleeding heart liberals that encourage them to come and stay here only ever make the problem worse by lying to the public that they do valuable public service jobs in this Country that you and i are too lazy to do. Bullshit! This is an attempt, like the rest of the multicutural experiment, to bully anyone into speaking up against the wrong's that these people do. Question immigration or indeed any part of multiculturalism and you will be forever condemned as a racist.
Perhaps one of the most sickening attempts at trying to make the devil look more holy than Jesus was UDA leader Jackie McDonald's interview with the press, where he layed the blame of the Gypsies intimidation at the feet of C18 and the BNP. I nearly swallowed my coffee mug whole. If anyone knows about intimidation and thuggery in the South Belfast area then it is McDonald. You have to ask yourself why he would do such a thing. The reason is very simple, MONEY!!! If Jackie roles out the anti racism propaganda on behalf of the Government, then he stands to pocket the grant money that this brings. By implimenting NVQ anti-racism qualifications Jackie gets to tick all the boxes needed to collect the tasty grant money provided by his marxist masters. Nobody is fooled Jackie, nobody!!!

Saturday 5 September 2009


What the hell is going on? I have just returned from my annual 8 week holiday in Saudi Arabia to find that BBC radio Ulster have completely reshuffled their top stars on my favorite programmes. What have they done with Mr Dunseith? I heard Wendy Austin hosting Davids programme and i thought i was still jet lagged and had slept in. Now i'm sure Wendy is a lovely woman but i don't think she is Talkback material. I kind of see Wendy as a Women's Institute type, not a nitty gritty political interrogator sort like Mr Dunseith. Anyway lets pray to the God of abundant crops that she keeps that feminist lefty, Suzy Breen away from the microphone.
So about the holiday. Bacon butties for breakfast every morning, then off down to the local boozer to shift a few beers. Now don't get me wrong, i love the place, but to be frank the women are bloody ugly. Once you get the ninja fighting suit off them, believe me when i tell you that you can't wait to get it back on. One cheeky cow tried to have me arrested for assault, when in a drunken state i tried to put a postcard through what i thought was a letter box. Turned out to be some woman sitting on a wall wearing a burka. Anyway when the coppers turned up i told them she felt my arse, so they took her away and whipped the tripe out of her. Sorry love but i was in a difficult spot!! That's enough about Saudi Arabia, I've decided to stay with the middle eastern experience again next year for my holidays, so i have booked a fortnight in Blackburn in July. Cant wait..

Tuesday 26 May 2009

Oh no, its out of its cage and back on our airwaves. Sitting in my tractor yesterday waiting for the rain to go off, i thought i would turn on talkback to hear what my namesake, David Dunseith was on about. Initially, i was disappointed because DD was missing from the show and had been replaced with softy, squashy, limp wristed, William Crawley. As his surname suggests, he is such an arse kissing, lickspittle and he really twists my tits. Anyway, as the show progressed, on comes my Nemesis, Suzanne 'white noise' Breen. This woman has a real fixation with the BNP and i don't mean in the schoolgirl crush way. Apparently she hates everything they stand for. It's just a pity her warped sense of morality didn't stretch as far as giving the PSNI the information about republican terrorists they requested. However, credit where it is due. She did go on to say what a dick the Arch Bishop of Canterbury, Merlin Williams was, for trying to influence the voting public in the forthcoming euro elections. Perhaps there is a chance that Suzanne and i might get out on that date after all? Perhaps I'd rather go out to the barn and milk my Jersey bull before that would happen.

Saturday 23 May 2009

Rolling, rolling, rolling!!

According to the BNP website, the BNP machine is still out there and still performing.
Check out the link below for a full report and a chance to watch the BNP Party Political Broadcast.

Give them hell folks!

Friday 22 May 2009

PSNI Landrover

Police service of Northern Ireland are due to launch their new Landrover in time for the marching season. A Police spokesman said, 'This year we have decided to do away with all that politically correct nonsense and put out a morale boosting vehicle for the men'. A Police source said that due to the positive discrimination practices that are rife within the PSNI, this stunt was to be seen as a sweetner to the public and to the rank and file Bobby. When asked by journalists, Cheif Constable, Hugh Orde said, ' My men were in need of new equipment and as a responsible father figure, i supplied it'. He went on to say that, seeing as he had a new job across the water he didn't really care who he had pissed off with the new vehicles and in particular he felt that at least it would give that whining bitch Suzanne Breen, something to gurn about. Well done Shuggy!!

Wednesday 20 May 2009

A grand wee place in Ulster,_County_Londonderry

Stickin out lads!!!

It's the way he embarrasses them

Oh FFS! So Frank Carson has thrown his political weight behind UKIP? Just when you thought it was safe to turn the tele back on. For years Carson has been the ball and chain around the leg of any travelling Irishman. I've travelled all over the UK and Europe and no matter where you go, as soon as someone finds out where your from, the next thing you hear is 'That's a cracker, so it is, ha ha ha', in an accent that is something akin to a half Welsh, Half Pakistani brogue. Point to note English people reading this, don't try to do an Northern Irish accent. You just can't, move on! Another retarded, so-called entertainer was Jimmy Cricket. Nuff said!!
Why UKIP and why now? Simple, the Government and the established mass media outlets are shitting themselves that the BNP are getting too big for their boots. People are fuming over the way our Country has ended up, people want a common sense change and they see the BNP as the only solution. This doesn't sit well with the greedy swine that currently rule over us, so they introduce a safety valve in the form of a staged managed, political party such as UKIP. UKIP, is supposed to appeal to those who might think about voting BNP but are too afraid of being called an extremist, or those who are unable to break free from what the mind conditioners (TV and Newspapers) have told them to believe. In reality they are a jellyfish entity that only will only ever serve the needs of its greedy leadership. What Frank Carson hopes to bring to the table is beyond me. Maybe he will bring all of his fans? Lets hope so!

The wages of multiculturalism is death

Sinn Fein's British Minister and Northern Irelands Education minister has hit the headlines again. Caitriona Ruane was in the media this week defending her decision to take her daughter on an official trip to Cyprus during term time. Strange i know, because she normally hasn't got the wit to speak for herself on the radio and her Party leader Gerry Adams has appointed fellow party member John O'Dowd to do all of her talking for her. Anyway, our thick as mince Education minister has gone against her own ruling that parents should not take children out of school during term time. Oh dear, a bit of hypocrisy from a Sinn Fein member you might say. Like thats never occured before with Sinn Fein? The media latched on to this news and raised hell about the 'term time' issue. If you ask me the real issue was missed altogether. Ruane was in Cyprus for a conference on, wait for it! Diversity and equality. More politically correct, multi-culti, mumbo jumbo. This was nothing more than a junket paid for again by the long suffering British tax payer. When will this scandal ever end, when will greedy ministers ever get off our backs? Why couldn't the conference have been held in London? Answer? It's raining in London! If on the other hand, the conference was about equality and diversity at a Cypriot local level, why was a British Minister getting involved ? Again the answer seems to point in the direction of a sunny little perk. It's not cricket old boy!

BBC double standards

No it's not the bride of Frankenstein, it's one of BBC Northern Ireland's, talk show contributors and Sunday Tribune editor Suzanne Breen. She loves nothing more than to have a pop at the BNP, and call them nasty 'waaacissts'. Lately she has fallen foul of a PSNI investigation into the murders of two Royal Engineers at Masserene barracks in Antrim. The Police have asked her to hand over material that might be helpful in catching the evil bastards that carried out the murders. In particular they have asked for a computer and journalistic notes. Breen refused, stating that it would be a breach of her journalistic code to reveal her source. Never mind that she could have done all of this anonymously and kept herself safe from terrorist clutches. But no, Breen has shown her true colours when it comes to the rule of law. She continues to withhold information from the PSNI that could potentially lock these evil killers away for life. Lets hope that these same killers do not go on to murder one of your family, because you can bet Suzanne won't assist the police under any circumstances. I haven't heard her dull monotonous tones on the BBC's Talk Back recently, heres hoping they have seen the light and binned this terrorist supporting witch from their programme.


Always on the look out for a bargain, i took myself off to the big smoke this afternoon. Belfast's boucher road is the place to go for a cheap sofa, well so they say. Needless to say i headed back up to the North West empty handed. All Belfast has to offer is traffic congestion and gypsies selling newspapers in the middle of the oncoming traffic. Is this practice legal i wonder? I know something is for sure, if i was to stand in the middle of the road selling papers for the UFU, the blue lamp disco brigade wouldn't be too long in shifting me along. Here's another thing, what the hells going on in the middle of Belfast? "Big issues, Big issues", another army of coffee coloured individuals trying to wrestle my money from me. 'I'll give you big issues if you don't stop looking over my shoulder when I'm at the cash point!!!! Right well it looks like it's off to Tommys for dinner, the Missus isn't in, probably looking for a cheap sofa somewhere else.

Let the games begin

I see that the Sun and Mirror are at it again with their lies and pathetic fabrications. Both of these sleazy rags ran stories about the British National Party this week and both papers got a severe spanking by the BNP. The Scum presented it's readership with a leaflet that it said the BNP had produced and handed out. The content of the leaflet told vicious lies about the BNP and can be seen here

Equally sleazy, the daily mirror, printed another bunch of made up lies about an alleged member of the BNP leading a race attack, see the article here -

What i find worrying here is not the fact that these two 'comics for the educationally challenged', would publish a false story, lets face it they are the gutter press, but, the fact that two so called newspapers would try to pervert the course of a democratic election, namely the forthcoming Euro's. We can be in no doubt that both of these rags were trying to deliberately influence the voting public by disseminating vicious lies and deceit about a legitimate political party. Even if your not a BNP supporter you would have to question the ethics behind such a dishonest set of tactics. Is this the kind of democracy you want to live in?

The Government and their ultra liberal supporters call the BNP a Nazi Party, fascist extremists and worse, but the last time we seen political tactics like stealing and publishing BNP membership lists onto the Internet, arresting political activists handing out leaflets, raiding BNP members houses under false pretences and now the daily barrage of deliberate lies being published in the mass media, was actually in Nazi Germany. So by definition the Government of the day are indeed a treacherous bunch of far left fascists.