Friday 31 December 2010

Help us Geldof!

Ok so the frost has left us with a few leaking pipes and our kind neighbours in Scotland have promised us some water rations. But FFS we are hardly at the doorstep of drought. The media are portraying this as the new irish famine. Bob geldof is preparing a list of celebrity has beens to chant a few lines in a desperate attempt to resurect their sunken careers, sorry i meant raise funds for the thirsty millions in Northern Ireland. A few areas in the Country have been without water for a few days and personally speaking i have had to do without for two hours this week. To be honest you couldn't get a wash in our kitchen sink for dinner dishes anyway so i haven't really been bothered with this latest affliction to out Country.
Lets show a bit of British stiff upper lip and deal with it. It has got to be better than Geldof bleating in our lug holes.

Friday 26 November 2010

Attention, Attention, could someone get Anna Lo?

It won't be long now before the Alliance Party's token immigrant is wheeled out to call the Belfast telegraph racists, after they binned the Romanians from selling papers in the middle of the road. Makes you wonder who they got at a cheaper price? Apparently Ladbrokes are offering the following odds - Polish 6/1, Chinese 4/1, Koreans 2/1, New Lodge Road Residents Groups 1/2.

Friday 29 October 2010

Larne immigrant centre

I see the Larne Asylum/immigrant/holding centre is back in the news again. It would appear that the local politicians have been made to sit up and listen to the local population in Larne. Prior to the information distribution by the local BNP in Larne the local politicians had been quite happy to collect their salaries and say nothing about the centre being built in Larne. Along come a bunch of concerned locals, some BNP, some not aligned to any political party, then it's off to the local council meeting at the town hall and hey presto a turn around for the local politicians, happily milking on the tit of local tax payers. Of course there are some wet liberals on Larne Council that refuse to deviate from the Party line on this important matter. Instead of sensible debate they are more than happy to collect the council handout every month and call the concerned residents racists. Lets face it it beats having to work for a living. So hats of to the residents of Larne for having the courage to tackle this problem and i urge you, don't give up the fight.

What the name calling leftists have not told the population of Larne, is that there are many examples of this type of holding centre throughout Europe and in particular the most glaring example is in France. The sangat immigrant holding centre was supposed to be a secure holding centre for asylum seekers and illegal aliens. What it turned out to be was an uncontrollable nightmare for the French Government and ultimately a nightmare for the weak willed immigration service in the UK. Again, not too far away in the Republic of Ireland, asylum seekers living in these centres refused to be moved to another location and protested by setting fire to their accommodation. Are you ready for this Larne?

Wednesday 27 October 2010

Deadliest Catch

Well i'm currently auditioning for the new series of deadliest catch, well it feels like it anyway. The driver of the stena boat isnay howliner straight. I think i would have been more stable had i tried to balance on a football for an hour.
Looking on the bright side i have just completed a pig sale to some bloke in England who tells me that he is going to repackage the meat for the halal market in East London, calling it smoked salty lamb. Fair play to him he pays up front with no questions asked and in todays difficult times a sale is a sale is a sale. I'm not joking you when i tell you he could sell sand to the Egyptians. He recently off loaded 15 royal mail post boxes painted black to the Greater London Assembly, informing them that they were 'Burka compliant' and telling them they would be ideal for islamic womens centres when it comes to demonstrating the correct fitting of a Burka. The GLA have roled these out to various centres in the Tower Hamlets area. Good move or what?
Speaking of lucrative contracts, i recently obtained a valuable exportation licence, allowing me to transport loose quarry material to the Iranian department of justice. What they're going to do with a load of stones and rocks is beyond me, but what the hell a deal is a deal.
Right back to reality, i have to go and load the next crab pot up before we dock in Belfast. See y'all later land lubbers.....

Friday 22 October 2010

Not BNP Steve?

Has anyone seen or heard of 'NotBNPSteve' Moore from the Sunday World lately? A source from within the Sunday World told a friend of mine that he was suspended for having inapropriate images on his computer. Well now there's a revelation for you. Moore, well known in gay circles, might have a case to answer with the Police very soon if these images are to be proven to have been downloaded by the self confessed anti-facist. His colleagues have branded him a pervert for his latest actions and have totally shunned him until such times as he seeks professional help for his depraved affliction.The images?
The images were from an Austrian tourist magazine picturing the alps and some other touristy stuff. The accompanying text spoke only of matters of fact and this was seen as a step to far among his colleagues. Sunday World staff are not used with factual, truthful articles before them so you can appreciate how this came as an unwelcome surprise to the editor and staff. Perhaps NotBNPsteve will be allowed back this week to scribble more shite about British folk.

Friday 6 August 2010

You want my Country and now you want my money????

I had an email this evening from some charity wanting money for the floods in Pakistan. What a cheek. As if my money will help bring about more floods!
Honestly though, here's a Country with enough money to spend on Nuclear weapons and enough money to send it's president on a European jolly boys outing. Its the same with that annoying bastard Bob geldoff whinging for money, money, money. We were told that these people didn't want charity the only wanted enough money to buy piping and taps. Well for fucks sake they should have enough now to open their own B&Q stores continent wide. My message to all the do-gooders is this - If a country has enough money to fund their defence requirements then they have enough money to spend on the health requirements of their citizens. Your getting sweet FA from me!!!

Thursday 5 August 2010

Lilly Allen is up the duff.

Breaking news! The mutant mongchild Lilly Allen is having a baby. Lilly Allen from the 'I'm a shite singer but my dad is a bit famous' fame, has alledgedly rubbed up against a horney wild boar in it's enclosure at the London zoo and hey presto, lilly is up the duff. Poor old lilly has the voice of 12" bastard file rubbing the wrong way on a piece of flexible aluminium, manages to sell a few cds by telling her unwashed following that she hates the BNP. Not an original ploy but if it helps her poor unfortunate offspring to have a few nappies and the odd farleys rusk, then we are happy to oblidge.

Monday 2 August 2010

Farewell 'Hurricane'

I was desperately dissapointed to hear those without sin casting their stones at Alex Higgins on the day of his funeral. What is it with our people? As soon as one of our famous sons/daughters of Northern Ireland dies they queue up to get on the radio and continually look at the negative side of the persons life. As Alex made his last horsedrawn journey toward his own funeral service, Radio Ulster was fielding calls from naysayers that can't see the genius Alex Higgins for what he was to the sport of snooker. Quick to highlight Alex's troubles with the demon drink, gambling and the odd punch up, these aresholes couldn't acknowledge what a lad from the back streets of Belfast had done to bring snooker to the forefront of public viewing. To hell with the lot of you, you did exactly the same thing to Geordie Best and your all a bloody disgrace.

Thursday 22 July 2010

Total Hypocrite

I was listening to Nolan this week on Radio Ulster and i couldn't believe my ears. Big Jim McDowell was lamenting about how the images of Bloody Friday were so graphic that the media of the day couldn't print them. He went on to say that he agreed entirely with the newspapers who, quite rightly, didn't print the images of innocent women and children blown to pieces by cowardly IRA bombs. He's right, i mean it would have been absolutely disgusting and unneccesary to show photos of mutilated corpses strewn across Belfast. It would have been a complete disregard for the feelings of the extended families to have printed such horror and carnage. Nolan went on to massage 'Big Jim's' ego by consulting with him about the finer points of editorial working practice concerning protocol when it comes to printing horrofic images. Jim duely pontifficated on the subject like some kind of guru hack.

What struck me as odd was, that Nolan and indeed big uncle Belfast(McDowell), had completely forgotten about, was the truely horriffic images that McDowell plastered all over the front page of his awful rag, when a young Chinese lad from Bangor put a rope around his neck and jumped over the edge of the flyover bridge coming into the town resulting in the lad killing himself. Can you imagine the hurt and dismay that must have been caused to the lad's family as they entered the local garage/newsagents to get a pint of milk and there is McDowell's horror show on display? Your a hypocrite and a disgrace McDowell.

Sunday 18 July 2010


Good old 'Not BNP Steve' didn't fail to let us down with another schoolboy esq attack on the BNP again today. Using his now famous copy and paste style of journalism, he used old photo's of Nick Griffins daughter Jennifer along with the usual accumulation of shite to make an attack on British Patriots. Moore, who not only despises the BNP, but also hates anything to do with Unionism, made yet another half arsed attempt to make some kind of spurious link between the BNP and loyalist bands.
So what if Jennifer carrys a flag for a band in Comber, does anyone really care? Moore goes to some length to point out that she has no connection to Northern Ireland. Neither, it must be pointed out, do the African Loyal orders, but i'm quite sure that the far left, multiculturalist won't make too much of an issue about that.
Moore's comments about 'Blowing into instruments' and 'blowing into flutes',combined with the COPY AND PASTED image of Jennifer, where she appears to wearing little more than her underwear, only underline my comments about Moore being akin to a giggling schoolboy finding his first porno mag. Perhaps 'Not BNP Steve' should spend less time fondling himself over the sicko porno ads in his rag of a paper and get himself a real woman. Jennifer is a married woman 'Sicko Steve', just you stick to big Jim massaging your prostate for you.

Thursday 15 July 2010

UK City of culture? Gafaw, Gafaw!!!

Londonderry/Derry prepares itself for the results of the UK City of Culture awards results (Breaking news - They won). For heavens sake, what are these people thinking about?
I know the riots in Ardoyne have nothing (Directly) to do with the folk in Derry/Londonderry, but we don't have to cast our minds back too far to remember the cultural tolerance shown to the Apprentice Boys of Derry when they parade through this wonderful vibrant city. Nor to those deemed to be homosexual. Those in this Country that are quick to wave Palestinian, Israeli, European and other so called worthy cultural flags are very quick to forget that we can't even get along with our own neighbours in this Province. Whilst ethnically the same, culturally different, we see fit to oppose our own, whilst we promote every other culture in this small piece of land.
Many commentators in Ulster refer to a small proportion of the population that are living in the past. I would suggest that the vast majority of us are living in the past. Just take a look at voting patterns here to see if we have moved on. I don't include myself here as i won't vote for what i can't believe in and that includes any of the local political parties. Mr Griffin come and save Derry, Londonderry, Ulster and Northern Ireland.

Sunday 11 July 2010

Retarded journalism strikes again

Guess who's back peddling their lies? Yes it's our old friend 'Not BNP Steve Moore'.
In an article in his leftist rag today he claims that the BNP are coming to Northern Ireland
in force for the 12th July celebrations. He also suggests that they (BNP) are coming
over to get involved in possible trouble at contentious flash points along parading routes. What a dick! What an utter ballbag! In actual fact what the retarded, so called journalist has done again is to confuse stories that he has read elsewhere. The EDL apparently have called on their membership to go support the 12 parades and simpleton moore has changed the lettering to suit his own 'I hate the BNP' agenda. EDL does not equal BNP. One is a body set up to oppose militant islam in the UK and the other is a political Party that has the controlled media running scared. Lets face it Moore never stops talking about the BNP, albeit lies, lies and more lies. However, as i have said many times before it just keeps the BNP in the media and that is publicity money can't buy. So why am i on here mentioning it if i am so happy with the publicity i hear you say? Well, the same limp wristed fuckwit has the cheek to whinge in his paper because the BNP won't give him an interview and he can't even get a few simple facts strung together to form a half decent article in his newspaper. Ah well maybe he is keeping someone happy with what he writes.

Steven Moore Sunday World

Steven Moore self confessed, anti-fascist journalist was having yet another tired attack on the BNP in his leftist rag The Sunday World last weekend. Moore, who has the journalistic skills of a P7 student, set about attacking the outgoing and incoming Organisers. He demonstrated his journalistic skills by copying and pasting an entire article off the BNP website and printing it in his rag. Good going 'Not BNP Steve', that was a hard days work for you.
His attack centred on the outgoing Organiser and to a certain extent i agreed with him. Don't get me wrong here I know both men and i am proud to say i can call them both friends, however Mr Dinsmore is more of an Authoritarian figure and Mr Moore is alot more mild mannered. I am able to say that about both men because i happen to know them. They are both committed British Nationalists and an inspiration to all of us. 'Not BNP Steve' as he calls himself, hasn't the first idea about these two characters and demonstrates this by his schoolboy name calling of said individuals. The omagh man made his way into journalism not through merit but by the strings his ex BBC father could pull for him and as a result this is the type of 3rd rate journalist we get in the Sunday World.
'Our wack', Big Jim McDowell, seems happy to surround himself with these useless inbreds who print nothing but lies and then wonders why they get the odd slap from the folk they upset(See earlier article). Here's what i would like to see Big Belfast Jim propose! He should challenge the two BNP men he writes about to a charity boxing match, losers donate £500.00 to the opposing sides favorite charity. I can see it now......"Fighting out of the red corner, representing all thats wrong with journalism, Big heres me wah, Jim McDowell and his fighting partner, I love the Kremlin, 'not BNP steve''....... And in the blue corner, representing the Patriotic voice of the Britsh Nation, Kieran Dinsmore/Devlin or whatever he calls himself and his fighting partner Steve 'The BNP hatchet' Moore. Its a venue filler i can assure you. If i can get the missus to mind the herd and do the milking the next morning, i'll make sure i'm there to see this spectacle.

Wednesday 16 June 2010

Sinn Fein = Bare faced cheek

So Bloody Sunday has been put to bed once and for all? Has it hell, this is only the start of it!
You can bet your bottom 'truth seeking' dollar that the claim forms are being filled in as we speak. I must confess here, to not knowing the all the detail of the Jimmy Saville report. I must also say that as an ex member of the finest Army in the world, that i find it hard to believe that British Soldiers took it upon themselves to gun down innocent civilians in cold blood.
What did surprise me was Sinn Fein championing the cause of the bloody Sunday families. Lets be honest here, if Sinn Feins military colleagues didn't see fit to use the civil rights march in Londonderry as a massive human shield to hide behind as they attacked the Police and Army, then perhaps innocent civilians might not have been killed. The IRA have as much blood on their hands as the men who pulled the triggers on that day. So to have the British Government, who sent the worlds most formidable combat fighting Regiment to do a civil Policing job. Throw into the mix that the provos had been assassinating the civil Police and Army in this very same area weeks before the actual bloody Sunday event took place, you can begin to imagine the kind of atmosphere the squaddies had to face everyday in this particular part of Ulster. So if the IRA, under the instruction of an infamous Northern Ireland Politician, decided to use the so called civil rights march to attack the forces of law and order, then it should come as no surprise that ununiformed causalities might arise. The IRA, like their muslim, terrorist insurgent comrades in Iraq and Afghanistan have no difficulties at all in using a human shield in order to satisfy their aims or ideals. The IRA saw those who thought they had a cause on that particular day as useful idiots and capitalised upon it.
My own personal opinion of the Jimmy Saville report is this, i treat this report with the same contempt as the Weapons of Mass destruction report also supplied by British government lackeys. If Sinn Fein are gloating and looking forward to their day in court(On behalf of the Bloody Sunday families) then they should prepare themselves for an onslaught of righteous, legal firestorms to come reigning down upon their own heads. Getting back to my original heading, Sinn Fein, the organisation behind over 3000 murders in the UK have a bare faced cheek to call for truth and prosecutions against the Parachute regiment.

Friday 2 April 2010

Not an April Fool, i swear!

I swear to you this is not a wind up. The twat pictured above is a fruitcake called Billy Leonard. Billy is an ex RUC officer, an ex member of the Orange Order and last but not least an ex Protestant preacher. He is now loosely described as a politician. Billy was on the radio the other day after we had the heavy snow fall and as per usual he could do nothing but condemn the PSNI and their handling of the incident that saw people stranded in deep snow on the notorious Glenshane pass. He never misses a chance to have a dig at the Police. I find Billy's attack on the state Police very surprising seeing as his Party's Marxist ideology promotes the over reliance on the state as a collective unit. You silly Billy! Oh did i forget to say, Billy is a member of IRA/Sinn Fein. Billy, the pride and joy of East Londonderry is a card carrying member of the same group that murdered his former colleagues. It is widely thought in republican circles that Billy was a plant from the British MI5 or special branch. However when he grew a beard to look like his Party leader, Gerry Adams, it was decided that he was clearly barking mad.

New weapon in the war against terror

Just when you think that policing tactics couldn't get any more pink and fluffy along comes Northern Ireland's newest chief of police, Matt Baggott. Today he unleashed his new direct action against those that would bomb and terrorise our little Country into submission. What could this new strategy be? More tactical support officers? More resources to give to police officers on the ground? A zero tolerance approach to dissident Republican terrorists? NO! None of the above. Chief Constable Baggott is going to PRAY for the terrorists.
Well Matt thank you very much. Thank you for your fight fire with fire approach. I feel so much better knowing that Matt Baggott wasn't in charge of the Country during the first and second world war broke out. "Ah Mr Hitler, so whats this you want to come and take over our Country? That's just lovely, come on over!" It's this sort of political correctness that has got our society into the state it is today.

Sunday 28 March 2010

BBC attempt to manipulate Ulster Terrorist groups

I recently listened to a programme on Radio Ulster about the BNP in Northern Ireland and i was not surprised to see a host of familiar left wing tactics employed by the journalist Andy Martin. Andy Martin, whilst feigning to present a factual documentary about the BNP presence in Ulster, was in fact, trying to manipulate senior figures within Loyalism to a position against the BNP. The journalist was keen to massage the opinions of a Progressive Unionist Party (UVF) community worker, allowing the terrorist figure to spout the lies that his Marxist political party regularly throw out. The PUP like their ideological equivalents Sinn Fein, are always welcome onto the BBC to rhyme off their left wing mantras and this occasion was no different.
Andy Martin in the interest of fairness then set off to interview the leader of the UDA, Jackie McDonald. McDonald was also given a free run to spew out a litany of mis-truths about the only true Unionist Party in the UK. He advised his membership to stay clear of the BNP as they poisoned the minds of the youth of today. Well stone the crows! Here we have two men who have kept our society divided for decades, been guilty of the murders of hundreds and they have a bare faced cheek to condemn the BNP for trying to establish themselves in Northern Ireland.
What is more appalling than this, is that the state broadcasting corporation is guilty of trying to manipulate two Loyalist terrorist groups against a legal political party going about its day to day business. It's nothing short of incitement to violence/murder. Shame again on the BBC!!!

Saturday 27 March 2010


Did someone mention the BNP? Quick, get the immigrant commentator out of the closet!
So a member of the BNP is also a member of the Orange Order? You might have thought that the Nolan show had discovered that the BNP were running the Catholic church or fiddling their expenses by the way big Stephen Nolan introduced his new found news titbit. "Shock horror, BNP man in Orange order". Then, out it comes! Anna Lo, commentator on all things concerning race and the BNP. For a supposed intelligent woman she doesn't half come off with some dodgy comments. The usual drivel spewed from the Alliance Party's token immigrant. The BNP are racist, Nazi, homophobic anti-Semites declared Anna. Nolan then obliged her pathetic rant by adding 'How repulsive are the BNP'? Oh very repulsive Stephen, replied the race card stooge. It was really starting to sound like a left wing propaganda broadcast, that was until the Northern Ireland public jumped in to the one sided debate. One caller asked Anna how come if she found the BNP so repulsive why it was that she no difficulties sitting with the murderers,bombers and gunmen that currently hold office in the NI Government. 'Oh but they have changed their ways' stutters Anna. Talk about sounding like a retard.
She then went on to lick the arse of the orange order by claiming that they were an honourable organisation and should have nothing to do with the BNP. Perhaps this is because she compromised the security of one of their members not so long ago and also claimed that an Orange flute band shouldn't be walking through a Chinese area. What a hypocrite! Anyway, I look forward to the mutant tag team of Nolan and Lo on their next commentary about the BNP.

Monday 22 March 2010

Nick Griffin made me do it!!

The retarded creature you see in the photo above is none other than Weyman Bennett of the UAF being arrested for inciting violence. Weyman is the token black man that fronts the Unite against Fascism organisation. The groups title is in itself an oxymoron. The claim to be anti fascist yet they're tactics include violently attacking the meetings of political organisations that they don't agree with. They are known to assault elderly members of the BNP and they throw paint and stones at BNP members homes. The majority of these creatures seem to be from the privileged, white middle class and they seem to attract anyone that thinks being a communist is cool. Mostly they are made up of spotty university students with no experience of life.
Anyway, back to Weyman. I have heard him on the radio, seen him on the TV and at demonstrations, what fascinates me about this bloke is that he gives you the impression he has been pre-programmed with some kind of far left computer software. He is barely able to open his mouth without coming out with something ridiculous and then he keeps repeating it whilst raising the tone of his voice. I heard him on a radio show once and as he progressed through his verbal assault on the BNP, he first began by accusing the party of being racist fascists, then he brought in the Jewish holocaust and tried to make the Party guilty for that and then he finished up by saying the BNP were guilty of murder and training people to be murderers. Of course the leftist BBC were happy for him to spew this shit out whereas they normally pull interviewee's up if they make libelous statements on their programmes.
So what will happen for Weyman the government stooge? Probably nothing more than a telling off as the Police will be shitting themselves in case Weyman plays the race card. I remember watching a very amusing video that the 'covert' lads made with Andy Ali in it, maybe its time that Weyman got a taste of this.

Friday 12 February 2010

Common Sense if you please!

I going to stick my neck out here! I have many friends in the Loyal orders and as an indigenous cultural organisation, i support their right to organise themselves along religious-specific lines.
Even though they do not support my right to organise myself, with others, along ethnic lines. In fact, i have heard spokesmen for the Orange Order state quite clearly, that they are not anti-Catholic they are pro-Protestant. Yet when it comes to the British National Party, they seem to forget the same formula they use for justifying their own existence and openly condemn the BNP as racists. "Your having a laugh mate"
Anyway i digress! Out of 3000 parades held by the Orange Order 3 or 4 are considered to be contentious. In other words they pass near or on top of Irish Nationalists/Republicans areas. Now for the life of me i don't know why the Orange Order doesn't just slightly alter the route of these parades to avoid those on the other side of the fence, that don't want them anywhere near them. Many an Orangeman has said to me 'It's our traditional route', 'We've already given them enough', 'Its our right to march here' etc, etc... You know to a certain degree i agree with them. However, in the interests of common sense and so as we don't have to have a massive, televised, beamed across the world debacle every year, how about giving a little ground and march clear from those areas in Ulster that have an Irish Nationalist/Republican residential presence. Yes it may be construed that the 'Prods' have given in, but lets be honest, how many of us would tolerate an Irish Republican parade marching down the Shankill road? The moral high ground awaits those that can see it.
Unless the dinosaurs that continue to lead our Country begin to accept that there are those that share this Country that have an opposite opinion from their own point of view, then I'm afraid that massive policing bills and adverse publicity will continue to dog this Country for a while yet.
Take the Holy Cross school mess. The true story was that known Republican terrorists that murdered and maimed so many of the Unionist community were strolling through a particular Unionist area apparently taking stock of all that was going on and generally rubbing the noses of the local population in the dirt. NOW, WHAT WAY WAS THAT PORTRAYED ACROSS THE WORLD????? It was beamed across the world that Unionists/Loyalists were attacking school children going to school in the morning. British soldiers and Police were being attacked by their own people. In other words, it was a massive PR disaster for the Unionist community. Here we are again! Will the Orange Order be able to see the wood for the trees? Personally i don't think so but time will tell. How will the people of Ulster ever be able to see the bigger picture when they are standing 2 inches from the painting? 3rd world immigration continues to swamp our Country and what do the Patriots of Ulster do? Throw stones at the Taigs and Prods on the other side!!!! Wakey wakey boys and girls.

Saturday 9 January 2010

Egg on face. Standby....GOooooo!!!

Saw this on youtube earlier and i have to say it gave me a chuckle.. Enjoy!!
Poor old horny Iris! Ah well she can always come and work on my farm. I see the DUP have kicked her out. Apparently the political wing of the free Presbyterian church has deemed her as welcome as the pope at a Paisley after dinner speech.

Friday 8 January 2010

Foot in Mouth

So let me get this straight; Iris gets two property developers to stump up £50000 and then gives it to some spotty youth to set up a business on the banks of the river lagan in Belfast. Not content with getting him the money she then sets about getting him into bed. Well i only have one thing to say! YOU LUCKY WEE BA$TARD.
But here's the thing; Only last summer she was on the radio calling homosexuals bad names, telling them that as per the bible, they were an abomination to God. Burning in the eternal fire pits of hell was the order of the day. Fast forward to January 2010 and Iris is breaking the Non-Adultery clause of the 10 commandments, and most likely the stealing one as well. If ever someone had egg on their face, it is the sultry, sexy temptress and wife of the Northern Ireland first minister, Iris Robinson. Sorry was i getting carried away there? It's just if i thought i could get her to throw me fifty grand and a ham shank i would pawn the wife and my best Davy Brown. You just never know!!