Sunday 11 July 2010

Retarded journalism strikes again

Guess who's back peddling their lies? Yes it's our old friend 'Not BNP Steve Moore'.
In an article in his leftist rag today he claims that the BNP are coming to Northern Ireland
in force for the 12th July celebrations. He also suggests that they (BNP) are coming
over to get involved in possible trouble at contentious flash points along parading routes. What a dick! What an utter ballbag! In actual fact what the retarded, so called journalist has done again is to confuse stories that he has read elsewhere. The EDL apparently have called on their membership to go support the 12 parades and simpleton moore has changed the lettering to suit his own 'I hate the BNP' agenda. EDL does not equal BNP. One is a body set up to oppose militant islam in the UK and the other is a political Party that has the controlled media running scared. Lets face it Moore never stops talking about the BNP, albeit lies, lies and more lies. However, as i have said many times before it just keeps the BNP in the media and that is publicity money can't buy. So why am i on here mentioning it if i am so happy with the publicity i hear you say? Well, the same limp wristed fuckwit has the cheek to whinge in his paper because the BNP won't give him an interview and he can't even get a few simple facts strung together to form a half decent article in his newspaper. Ah well maybe he is keeping someone happy with what he writes.

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