Sunday 13 September 2009

Mix race kids more intelligent.

I was listening to the Alliance Party's spokesman on Race, Anna (Racecard)Lo, on the radio the other day and i was surprised to hear her make some outlandish claims. According to Anna, children of mixed race are more intelligent than those of a homogeneous nature. She was able to back her claims up with some scientific evidence, that being that her own two children were very intelligent. Thanks for that Anna! I knew you were more than just a token immigrant that the Alliance Party wheels out every time there is a race issue raised in the public domain. Seriously though, imagine if another politician had claimed that there was proof that children born of white parents were more intelligent than those of mixed race, simply because he had a couple of reasonably intelligent children of his own? He would have been laughed out of office, not to mention had the race relations Nazi's breathing down his neck. WISE UP ANNA, YOUR GIVING ME THE SHITS!!!!

Saturday 12 September 2009


I'm going to have to give credit where it's due here. Normally i disagree with the majority of what Stephen Nolan has to say. Not because I'm a cantankerous old fart that doesn't get along with anyone, but Nolan, despite all of his attempts to be the number one shock jock, still toes the leftist BBC's line.
As i said above, credit where it's due. Last week i was disgusted to hear that a Police officer that had received death threats from the IRA, or dissidents as they are now called, was denied funding to help him and his family sell their house and relocate to relative safety. Stephen Nolan put the gloves on and fought for this officer's cause. SDLP Minister, Margaret Ritchie said that there was no funding left in the budget. This caused my pacemaker to go into overdrive. Only a few months previous (As mentioned in this blog) the NI Government were tripping over themselves to get Roma gypsies rehoused, flights home and a few quid in their pockets to buy goodies at the airport. When the gypsies flew back a few months later, after they had spent the NI tax payers cash, they were again found housing.
What this highlighted, was again the true benefits of living in an ultra liberal, multicultural society. It is offensive in the extreme to say that a man who has put his life on the line to serve his Country and community, is deserving of less than those who come to our Country for the sole reason to take as much as they can from a system that they do not contribute to. When so many statutory bodies rush to assist those that would rob our system, we need to call into question their ability to continue to remain fit for purpose. But, whats the odds that the next time an election comes around we vote them all back in again? Me excluded of course!

Sunday 6 September 2009

Enriching an area near you soon.

So those poor Romanian gypsies that were so hard done to in South Belfast have returned to the vicious place that evicted them, once again.
Now call me a doubting Thomas but, if i had been intimidated out of my home in a foreign Country and the citizens of that Country had paid for my exit, you can be damn sure that i would not be flying back to the same district anytime soon. Not the gypsies though! They couldn't wait to get back, tear a couple of houses apart, get evicted and then have all the anti racism groups of the day running after them as if they are about to be put on the train at Belfast central with a one way ticket to Buchenwald.
These people know of nothing else only take, take, take and the bleeding heart liberals that encourage them to come and stay here only ever make the problem worse by lying to the public that they do valuable public service jobs in this Country that you and i are too lazy to do. Bullshit! This is an attempt, like the rest of the multicutural experiment, to bully anyone into speaking up against the wrong's that these people do. Question immigration or indeed any part of multiculturalism and you will be forever condemned as a racist.
Perhaps one of the most sickening attempts at trying to make the devil look more holy than Jesus was UDA leader Jackie McDonald's interview with the press, where he layed the blame of the Gypsies intimidation at the feet of C18 and the BNP. I nearly swallowed my coffee mug whole. If anyone knows about intimidation and thuggery in the South Belfast area then it is McDonald. You have to ask yourself why he would do such a thing. The reason is very simple, MONEY!!! If Jackie roles out the anti racism propaganda on behalf of the Government, then he stands to pocket the grant money that this brings. By implimenting NVQ anti-racism qualifications Jackie gets to tick all the boxes needed to collect the tasty grant money provided by his marxist masters. Nobody is fooled Jackie, nobody!!!

Saturday 5 September 2009


What the hell is going on? I have just returned from my annual 8 week holiday in Saudi Arabia to find that BBC radio Ulster have completely reshuffled their top stars on my favorite programmes. What have they done with Mr Dunseith? I heard Wendy Austin hosting Davids programme and i thought i was still jet lagged and had slept in. Now i'm sure Wendy is a lovely woman but i don't think she is Talkback material. I kind of see Wendy as a Women's Institute type, not a nitty gritty political interrogator sort like Mr Dunseith. Anyway lets pray to the God of abundant crops that she keeps that feminist lefty, Suzy Breen away from the microphone.
So about the holiday. Bacon butties for breakfast every morning, then off down to the local boozer to shift a few beers. Now don't get me wrong, i love the place, but to be frank the women are bloody ugly. Once you get the ninja fighting suit off them, believe me when i tell you that you can't wait to get it back on. One cheeky cow tried to have me arrested for assault, when in a drunken state i tried to put a postcard through what i thought was a letter box. Turned out to be some woman sitting on a wall wearing a burka. Anyway when the coppers turned up i told them she felt my arse, so they took her away and whipped the tripe out of her. Sorry love but i was in a difficult spot!! That's enough about Saudi Arabia, I've decided to stay with the middle eastern experience again next year for my holidays, so i have booked a fortnight in Blackburn in July. Cant wait..