Sunday 6 September 2009

Enriching an area near you soon.

So those poor Romanian gypsies that were so hard done to in South Belfast have returned to the vicious place that evicted them, once again.
Now call me a doubting Thomas but, if i had been intimidated out of my home in a foreign Country and the citizens of that Country had paid for my exit, you can be damn sure that i would not be flying back to the same district anytime soon. Not the gypsies though! They couldn't wait to get back, tear a couple of houses apart, get evicted and then have all the anti racism groups of the day running after them as if they are about to be put on the train at Belfast central with a one way ticket to Buchenwald.
These people know of nothing else only take, take, take and the bleeding heart liberals that encourage them to come and stay here only ever make the problem worse by lying to the public that they do valuable public service jobs in this Country that you and i are too lazy to do. Bullshit! This is an attempt, like the rest of the multicutural experiment, to bully anyone into speaking up against the wrong's that these people do. Question immigration or indeed any part of multiculturalism and you will be forever condemned as a racist.
Perhaps one of the most sickening attempts at trying to make the devil look more holy than Jesus was UDA leader Jackie McDonald's interview with the press, where he layed the blame of the Gypsies intimidation at the feet of C18 and the BNP. I nearly swallowed my coffee mug whole. If anyone knows about intimidation and thuggery in the South Belfast area then it is McDonald. You have to ask yourself why he would do such a thing. The reason is very simple, MONEY!!! If Jackie roles out the anti racism propaganda on behalf of the Government, then he stands to pocket the grant money that this brings. By implimenting NVQ anti-racism qualifications Jackie gets to tick all the boxes needed to collect the tasty grant money provided by his marxist masters. Nobody is fooled Jackie, nobody!!!

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