Wednesday 20 May 2009

It's the way he embarrasses them

Oh FFS! So Frank Carson has thrown his political weight behind UKIP? Just when you thought it was safe to turn the tele back on. For years Carson has been the ball and chain around the leg of any travelling Irishman. I've travelled all over the UK and Europe and no matter where you go, as soon as someone finds out where your from, the next thing you hear is 'That's a cracker, so it is, ha ha ha', in an accent that is something akin to a half Welsh, Half Pakistani brogue. Point to note English people reading this, don't try to do an Northern Irish accent. You just can't, move on! Another retarded, so-called entertainer was Jimmy Cricket. Nuff said!!
Why UKIP and why now? Simple, the Government and the established mass media outlets are shitting themselves that the BNP are getting too big for their boots. People are fuming over the way our Country has ended up, people want a common sense change and they see the BNP as the only solution. This doesn't sit well with the greedy swine that currently rule over us, so they introduce a safety valve in the form of a staged managed, political party such as UKIP. UKIP, is supposed to appeal to those who might think about voting BNP but are too afraid of being called an extremist, or those who are unable to break free from what the mind conditioners (TV and Newspapers) have told them to believe. In reality they are a jellyfish entity that only will only ever serve the needs of its greedy leadership. What Frank Carson hopes to bring to the table is beyond me. Maybe he will bring all of his fans? Lets hope so!

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