Friday 23 October 2009

Griffin as much a warrior as a political leader.

Like the vast majority of people that watched Nick Griffin on the BBC's Question time last night, it was very clear to see that he had been deliberately lined up for a lynching.
Before he set foot inside broadcasting house the usual tree hugging mobsters were chanting for his head outside the gates. It was plain for all to see that the most politicised police force in the UK were content to stand by and allow the great unwashed to terrorise the inadequate BBC security guards. When they did finally intervene, three police officers were injured. I wonder if any of those arrested actually make it to court and ultimately convicted?
Once inside Nick sat composed and dignified amongst the hungry pack of wolves that could smell Nationalist blood in the air. Question after question was fired at Nick, never being given the chance to answer one of them. Even Dimbleby was on the offensive, the supposed chair of the meeting acting like a bitter enemy of the leader of modern Nationalism. The liberal left always harp on about getting the BNP onto the stage and challenging them about their policies. This is where they failed spectacularly, they were more content on attacking Nick on comments he had made over a decade ago. It came across as a televised mugging. Misjudging the British public yet again, they had hoped to show Griffin up as the demonic creature they make him out to be. Oh dear, oh dear! Watching the emails,texts and telephone response on the various TV channels this morning, it seems as if the LEFT have strengthened the BNP's position beyond belief. Countless people registering their disgust at the way Nick was treated on Question Time, even the leftists that contacted the many news programmes, said this was a spectacular own goal.
On a personal level, Mr Griffin raised the hairs on the back of my neck, made me very proud to be British and ultimately showed what a high quality leader he really is.

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